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Mixed-Trust Computing for Real-Time Systems., , , , , , и . RTCSA, стр. 1-11. IEEE, (2019)The Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method., , , , , и . ICECCS, стр. 68-78. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)A testbed for investigating real-time Ada issues., , и . IRTAW, стр. 7-11. ACM, (1988)Analysis of Hierar hical Fixed-Priority Scheduling., , , и . ECRTS, стр. 173-181. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Building Hybrid B-Spline And Neural Network Operators., , и . CoRR, (2024)Resilient Mixed-Trust Scheduling., , , , и . RTSS, стр. 368-379. IEEE, (2021)Fixed priority scheduling periodic tasks with varying execution priority., , и . RTSS, стр. 116-128. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Attribute-Based Architecture Styles., , , , , и . WICSA, том 140 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 225-244. Kluwer, (1999)Real-time software engineering in Ada: observations and recommendations., , и . TRI-Ada, стр. 554-569. ACM, (1989)Semantic Importance Sampling for Statistical Model Checking., , , , и . TACAS, том 9035 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 241-255. Springer, (2015)