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Virtual Prototype Modeling and Simulating Analysis of Lotus Root Slicing Machine Based on ADAMS.

, , , und . CCTA (3), Volume 346 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 249-256. Springer, (2010)

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Virtual Prototype Modeling and Simulating Analysis of Lotus Root Slicing Machine Based on ADAMS., , , und . CCTA (3), Volume 346 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 249-256. Springer, (2010)Design and Simulation Analysis of Transplanter's Planting Mechanism., , , , und . CCTA (1), Volume 344 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 456-463. Springer, (2010)Simulation Analyze the Dice and Shape of the Dicer Based on ADAMS., , , , und . CCTA (2), Volume 345 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 496-504. Springer, (2010)DEM Simulation and Analysis of Seeds Supply by the Vibrating Seed Box of Magnetic Cylinder Seeder., , , und . CCTA (1), Volume 344 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 401-408. Springer, (2010)