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Photochemistry of a volcanically driven atmosphere on Io: Sulfur and oxygen species from a Pele-type eruption, , и . Icarus, 156 (1): 76--106 (2002)BOLIDE IMPACTS, ACID-RAIN, AND BIOSPHERIC TRAUMAS AT THE CRETACEOUS-TERTIARY BOUNDARY, и . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 83 (1-4): 1--15 (1987)CARBON-CHEMISTRY AND ORGANIC-COMPOUND SYNTHESIS IN THE SOLAR NEBULA. METEORITICS, 22 (4): 378--378 (1987)Experimental studies of sulfur gas reactions and implications for sulfur geochemistry on Venus., и . METEORITICS & PLANETARY Science, 32 (4): A40--A41 (1997)THE PREDICTED ABUNDANCES OF DEUTERIUM-BEARING GASES IN THE ATMOSPHERES OF JUPITER AND SATURN, и . ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 326 (1): 490--508 (1988)Volcanic production of sulfur monoxide (SO) on lo, и . Icarus, 132 (2): 431--434 (1998)CARBONATE SULFATE VOLCANISM ON VENUS, , , и . Icarus, 112 (1): 219--252 (1994)The origin of sulfide-rimmed metal grains in ordinary chondrites, , , и . EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 151 (3-4): 289--301 (1997)Presolar silicon carbide grains and their parent stars., и . METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 32 (4): A81--A81 (1997)THE ABUNDANCE OF SULFUR-DIOXIDE BELOW THE CLOUDS OF VENUS, , , , , , , и . Geophysical Research Letters, 20 (15): 1587--1590 (1993)