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Propagation of chaos for a fully connected loss network with alternate routing, и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 44 (1): 159--180 (января 1993)Monte-Carlo approximations for 2d homogeneous Boltzmann equations without cutoff and for non Maxwell molecules., и . Monte Carlo Methods Appl., 7 (1-2): 177-192 (2001)A stochastic particle numerical method for 3D Boltzmann equations without cutoff., и . Math. Comput., 71 (238): 583-604 (2002)Probabilistic Interpretation and Numerical Approximation of a Kac Equation without Cutoff, , и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 84 (1): 115--135 (01.11.1999)A Hilbertian approach for fluctuations on the McKean-Vlasov model, и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 71 (1): 33--53 (30.10.1997)Quasi-stationary distributions and diffusion models in population dynamics, , , , , и . Ann. Probab., 37 (5): 1926--1969 (2009)Fluctuations for a fully connected loss network with alternate routing, и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 53 (1): 97--115 (сентября 1994)Unifying evolutionary dynamics: From individual stochastic processes to macroscopic models, , и . Theoretical Population Biology, 69 (3): 297 - 321 (2006)A microscopic probabilistic description of a locally regulated population and macroscopic approximations, и . The Annals of Applied Probability, 14 (4): 1880--1919 (ноября 2004)A propagation of chaos result for a system of particles with moderate interaction, и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, (1987)