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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Testing tone mapping operators with human-perceived reality., , , und . J. Electronic Imaging, 16 (1): 013004 (2007)Extending quality metrics to full luminance range images., , und . Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, Volume 6806 von SPIE Proceedings, Seite 68060B. SPIE, (2008)Anisotropic Radiance-Cache Splatting for Efficiently Computing High-Quality Global Illumination with Lightcuts, , und . Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 28(2), Seite 259--268. München, Germany, Wiley-Blackwell, (2009)How naive is naive SpMV on the GPU?, , , und . HPEC, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2016)Visible difference predicator for high dynamic range images., , und . SMC (3), Seite 2763-2769. IEEE, (2004)Simplex Splines, Polar Simplex Splines and Triangular B-Splines.. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, Seite 535-547. Clarendon Press, (1994)Multi-video compression in texture space using 4D SPIHT., , , und . MMSP, Seite 39-42. IEEE, (2004)One-Sided Stability of Medial Axis Transform., und . DAGM-Symposium, Volume 2191 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 132-139. Springer, (2001)Transformation-aware perceptual image metric., , , und . J. Electronic Imaging, 25 (5): 053014 (2016)Asymptotic analysis of discrete normals and curvatures of polylines., , und . SCCG, Seite 229-232. ACM, (2005)