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3D gesture mouse: Being multitask without losing the focus., , и . 3DUI, стр. 241-242. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Musical Brush: Exploring Creativity in an AR-based Tool Combining Music and Drawing Generation., , и . VR Workshops, стр. 635-636. IEEE, (2020)eSTIMe: Towards an All-in-One Geovisualization Environment for Daily Mobility Analysis., , , и . SIBGRAPI, стр. 39-46. IEEE, (2019)Immersive Visualization Interface for Endoscopy Analytics and Debriefing., , , , , и . SVR, стр. 166-173. ACM, (2023)Towards Moving Virtual Arms Using Brain-Computer Interface., , , , и . CGI, том 11542 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 445-452. Springer, (2019)Broker-Insights: An Interactive and Visual Recommendation System for Insurance Brokerage., , и . CGI, том 11542 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 155-166. Springer, (2019)Lossless Multitasking: Using 3D Gestures Embedded in Mouse Devices., , и . SVR, стр. 109-116. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Instant Rephotography., , и . INTERACT (3), том 11748 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 208-227. Springer, (2019)Musical Brush: Exploring Creativity Through an AR-Based Tool for Sketching Music and Drawings., , и . CGI, том 12221 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 119-131. Springer, (2020)Collaborative manipulation of 3D virtual objects in augmented reality scenarios using mobile devices., , , , и . 3DUI, стр. 264-265. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)