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Conditions for the existence of clines. Genetics, 80 (3): 595-615 (1975)Dying on the way: The influence of migrational mortality on clines. Theoretical Population Biology, (Mai 2015)The Expected Number of Heterozygous Sites in a Subdivided Population. Genetics, 149 (3): 1599--1604 (1998)Continuous selective models, und . Theoretical Population Biology, 5 (2): 257-283 (1974)A diffusion model for geographically structured populations. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 6 (4): 375-382 (1978)The relation between distant individuals in geographically structured populations. Mathematical Biosciences, 28 (1): 73 - 80 (1976)Diffusion approximations of the two-locus Wright-Fisher model, und . Journal of Mathematical Biology, 27 (1): 17--28 (Februar 1989)