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Network prefix-level traffic profiling: Characterizing, modeling, and evaluation., , , and . Comput. Networks, 54 (18): 3327-3340 (2010)Prediction or Not? An Energy-Efficient Framework for Clustering-Based Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks., , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 22 (6): 1064-1071 (2011)An LVQ clustering algorithm based on neighborhood granules., , , , and . J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 43 (5): 6109-6122 (2022)Motion saliency detection for compressed videos., , , and . J. Electronic Imaging, 26 (5): 53018 (2017)Research of forest regulating temperature based on time-series of Shandong Province., , , , and . IGARSS, page 1489-1492. IEEE, (2010)Validation for the absolute radiometric calibration of the HJ-1B CCD sensors of China., , , , , , and . IGARSS, page 2876-2879. IEEE, (2010)Coding Opportunity Aware Backbone metrics for broadcast in wireless networks., , , , and . INFOCOM, page 275-279. IEEE, (2013)Exploring Individual Travel Patterns Across Private Car Trajectory Data., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 21 (12): 5036-5050 (2020)On Arbitrating the Power-Performance Tradeoff in SaaS Clouds., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 25 (10): 2648-2658 (2014)Guest Editorial: Special Section on End-Edge-Cloud Orchestrated Algorithms, Systems and Applications., , , and . IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 16 (7): 4788-4790 (2020)