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A hardware design system based on object-oriented principles., , , и . EURO-DAC, стр. 459-463. EEE Computer Society, (1991)Large-Scale Linear Computations with Dedicated Real-Time Architectures., и . Advances in Real-Time Systems, стр. 41-81. Springer, (2012)Sensor networks and inverse scattering., , и . IPSN, стр. 186-193. ACM, (2006)A Hardware Algorithm for Fast Realistic Image Synthesis., , , и . Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware, стр. 37-60. Springer, (1989)Object-oriented Data Management Based on Abstract Data Types., и . Softw. Pract. Exp., 17 (11): 757-781 (1987)Design data management in a distributed hardware environment., , , , и . EURO-DAC, стр. 34-38. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)Robust 3D Robotic Sound Localization Using State-Space HRTF Inversion., , и . ROBIO, стр. 245-250. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)How to approximate a spectrum recursively using ARMA models.. ICASSP, стр. 1736-1739. IEEE, (1982)A model for the high-level description and simulation of VLSI networks., , , и . IEEE Micro, 10 (4): 41-48 (1990)Design of a persistent programming environment in an object oriented language using clustering and composite objects., и . EURO-DAC, стр. 453-458. EEE Computer Society, (1991)