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Extremum seeking control with fractional-order switching technique design for maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic systems., , , and . CDC, page 5629-5634. IEEE, (2015)Using Fractional Calculus for Lateral and Longitudinal Conrol of Autonomous Vehicles., , , , and . EUROCAST, volume 2809 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 337-348. Springer, (2003)When is a Mittag-Leffler function a Nussbaum function?, and . Autom., 45 (8): 1957-1959 (2009)Analysis of a high-order iterative learning control algorithm for uncertain nonlinear systems with state delays., , and . Autom., 34 (3): 345-353 (1998)Terminal iterative learning control with an application to RTPCVD thickness control., , , and . Autom., 35 (9): 1535-1542 (1999)Special Issue: Unmanned Aircraft Systems., , , and . J. Intell. Robotic Syst., 84 (1-4): 3 (2016)Cooperative phototaxis using networked mobile sensors and centroidal voronoi tessellations., and . ACC, page 3274-3279. IEEE, (2009)Schur stability radius bounds for robust iterative learning controller design., , and . ACC, page 178-183vol.1. IEEE, (2005)Range identification for perspective dynamic systems with 3D imaging surfaces., , and . ACC, page 3671-3675. IEEE, (2005)A hybrid symbolic-numerical simulation method for some typical boundary control problems., , and . ACC, page 5653-5658. IEEE, (2004)