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A revision learner to acquire verb selection rules from human-made rules and examples.

, , , , and . Learning for Natural Language Processing, volume 1040 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 439-452. Springer, (1995)

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On Handling Tree-Structured Attributed in Decision Tree Learning., , and . ICML, page 12-20. Morgan Kaufmann, (1995)Configurations of Micro EV Quick-Charging System with EDLC Storage., , and . COMPSAC Workshops, page 294-299. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)978-1-4673-8845-0.Proposal of Linear Approximation of Household Fuel Cells and Small-Scale Community Energy Management System., , and . COMPSAC Workshops, page 194-199. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Automatic Updating of a Book Storage Database in a Ubiquitous Library Information System., , and . UIC, volume 4159 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 714-723. Springer, (2006)Automatic generation method of relation matrix for ISM., , , and . JCKBSE, volume 140 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 3-10. IOS Press, (2006)An Advancement-Record System Using Knowledge Adaptable to Children's Developmental Stages., , , , and . JCKBSE, volume 140 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 317-326. IOS Press, (2006)Detecting mastication by using microwave Doppler sensor., , , and . PETRA, volume 282 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 88. ACM, (2008)Detection of multiple human location and direction by integrating different kinds of sensors., , , , and . PETRA, volume 282 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 87. ACM, (2008)Application of Multidimensional Scaling for Responsibility Distribution of Objects: Soft Systems Methodology Artifact-Based Approach., and . IIAI-AAI, page 580-586. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Proposal of Analysis Method using Conceptual Data Modeling and Theory of Constraints., , and . JCKBSE, volume 240 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 26-35. IOS Press, (2012)