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Energy efficiency of femtocell deployment in combined wireless/optical access networks., , , , , и . Comput. Networks, 57 (5): 1217-1233 (2013)Scalable optical switch with internal fiber network., и . Telecommun. Syst., 55 (4): 471-479 (2014)Performance and Power Consumption Analysis of a Hybrid Optical Core Node., , и . JOCN, 3 (6): 502-513 (2011)Software Tools and Methods for Modelling Physical Layer Issues., , , и . COST Action 291 Final Report, том 5412 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, (2009)Techno-Economic Analysis of Deployment Options for Converged 5G Wireless-Optical Access Networks., , и . MIPRO, стр. 401-406. IEEE, (2020)Towards fifth-generation (5G) optical transport networks.. ICTON, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2015)Novel Transponder Interfaces: Novel Modulation Formats., , и . COST Action 291 Final Report, том 5412 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, (2009)Optical Technologies: An Important Enabler for Smart Systems and Infrastructures.. ConTEL, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Scalability and power consumption of static optical core networks., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 3465-3471. IEEE, (2012)Hybrid Optical Switching for Energy-Efficiency and QoS Differentiation in Core Networks., , и . JOCN, 5 (5): 484-497 (2013)