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Heat transfer across a vertical impermeable partition imbedded in porous medium, и . International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 24 (7): 1237--1245 (1981)Influence of aperture height and width on interzonal natural convection in a full-scale air-filled enclosure, , и . Journal of solar energy engineering, 111 (4): 278--285 (1989)BEopt software for building energy optimization: features and capabilities, , , , и . National Renewable Energy Laboratory, (2006)VEHICLE CABIN COOLING SYSTEM, , и . (2000)WO Patent 2,000,061,397.Heat-transfer enhancement in natural convection enclosure flow, и . Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, CO (USA), (1984)Energy transport using natural convection boundary layers. Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, CO (USA), (1986)Influence of Prandtl number on natural convection heat transfer correlations, и . Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, CO (USA), (1984)Dynamics of Thermal Energy Storage in Integrated Energy Systems with On-Site Power Generation, , , и . (2002)Natural convection in a closed cavity with variable heating of the floor and one vertical wall. FY 1984 report, , и . Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, CO (USA), (1986)Natural convection in active and passive solar thermal systems, и . Advances in Heat Transfer, (1987)