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Pseudo-LFSR PUF: A Compact, Efficient and Reliable Physical Unclonable Function., , , и . ReConFig, стр. 223-228. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Enhanced Correlation Power Analysis Using Key Screening Technique., , , , и . ReConFig, стр. 403-408. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Multiplication-Free Lookup-Based CNN Accelerator Using Residual Vector Quantization and Its FPGA Implementation., , , и . IEEE Access, (2024)Prototype of USB stick-sized PUF module for authentication and key generation., , и . GCCE, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2017)Implementation of pseudo-linear feedback shift register-based physical unclonable functions on silicon and sufficient Challenge-Response pair acquisition using Built-In Self-Test before shipping., , , , , , и . Integr., (2020)A Deep Learning Attack Countermeasure with Intentional Noise for a PUF-Based Authentication Scheme., , , и . SECITC, том 12001 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 78-94. Springer, (2019)Energy and area saving effect of Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration on a 28-nm process FPGA., , и . GCCE, стр. 217-218. IEEE, (2013)A fast power current analysis methodology using capacitor charging model for side channel attack evaluation., , , , , и . HOST, стр. 87-92. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Hardware Implementations of Hash Function Luffa., , , , и . HOST, стр. 130-134. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Circuit Simulation for Fault Sensitivity Analysis and Its Application to Cryptographic LSI., , и . FDTC, стр. 16-23. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)