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How to Preserve Taiwanese Cultural Food Heritage Through Everyday HCI: A Proposal for Mobile Implementation., , и . HCI (11), том 11576 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 156-169. Springer, (2019)Capturing prolonged interactive experiences: a review of visual approaches in user research., и . DPPI, стр. 86-95. ACM, (2013)Temporal anchors in user experience research., и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 271-274. ACM, (2014)Exploring the Reciprocal Emotional Interaction Between Humans and Affective Technology Through Design Fictions and "Speculative Entanglement"., , , и . CollabTech, том 14199 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 36-51. Springer, (2023)How interactive artifacts "change" over time: a visual analysis., и . NordiCHI, стр. 458-467. ACM, (2012)Can your pet rabbit read your email?: a critical analysis of the Nabaztag rabbit., , и . DPPI, стр. 25:1-25:8. ACM, (2011)The Feature Extraction Modeling of Product Analysis in Injection Molding for Intelligent Manufacturing., , , и . ICS, стр. 325-329. IEEE, (2020)Temporality in interaction design., и . DPPI, стр. 62:1-62:8. ACM, (2011)Trimming, ordering, and similarity check for DSMGA-II: DSMGA-II-TOS., и . GECCO Companion, стр. 435-438. ACM, (2022)