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Universal Adversarial Training., , , , , and . CoRR, (2018)Resilient Reorder Buffer Design for Network-on-Chip., and . ISQED, page 92-97. IEEE, (2019)Rational Strategy to Stabilize an Unstable High-Efficiency Binary Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells with a Third Component, , , , , , , and . Advanced Energy Materials, 9 (20): 1900376 (April 2019)Comparison between frequency splitting approach and fuzzy logic control as an energy control strategy in hybrid vehicles., , and . ICCAIS, page 372-377. IEEE, (2015)A Novel Circulating Current Controller for MMC Capacitor Voltage Fluctuation Suppression., , , and . IEEE Access, (2019)On-Chip Circuit for Measuring Period Jitter and Skew of Clock Distribution Networks., , and . CICC, page 157-160. IEEE, (2007)Multimodal Open-Vocabulary Video Classification via Pre-Trained Vision and Language Models., , , , , and . CoRR, (2022)Local Adaptivity in Federated Learning: Convergence and Consistency., , , , , and . CoRR, (2021)The Mobile Media Based Emergency Management of Web Events Influence in Cyber-Physical Space., , , , , , and . Wirel. Pers. Commun., 95 (3): 1877-1890 (2017)Decentralized Energy Market Integrating Carbon Allowance Trade and Uncertainty Balance in Energy Communities., , , , , and . CoRR, (2023)