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Interaction for entertainment contents based on direct manipulation with bare hands., , , , и . IWEC, том 240 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 397-404. Kluwer, (2002)Implementation and evaluations of vision-based finger flicking gesture recognition for tabletops., , и . Tabletop, стр. 137-144. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Simple Camera Calibration From a Single Image Using Five Points on Two Orthogonal 1-D Objects., , и . IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 19 (6): 1528-1538 (2010)SHIRI: buttocks humanoid that represents emotions with visual and tactual transformation of the muscles., , , и . AVI, стр. 792-793. ACM, (2012)PhotoelasticTouch: transparent rubbery tangible interface using an LCD and photoelasticity., , , и . UIST, стр. 43-50. ACM, (2009)MultiMosaic: simultaneous visualization of multiple images for near and far viewers using image mosaic and saliency map., и . SIGGRAPH ASIA Technical Briefs, стр. 19:1-19:4. ACM, (2013)PAC-PAC: pinching gesture recognition for augmented tabletop video game., , , и . ITS, стр. 8. ACM, (2009)Enhanced interaction with physical toys., , и . ITS, стр. 57-60. ACM, (2011)Highly deformable interactive 3D surface display., , и . UIST (Adjunct Volume), стр. 91-92. ACM, (2012)Generating Synthetic Humans for Learning 3D Pose Estimation., , и . VR, стр. 1519-1520. IEEE, (2019)