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Managing Evolution Using Cooperative Designs and a Reflective Architecture.. Reflection and Software Engineering, том 1826 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 59-78. Springer, (1999)Automatic Generation of Parallel Java Programs and their Validation using Combinatorial Testing Suites., , , , и . ICCCS, стр. 1142-1146. IEEE, (2021)Suggesting Just Enough (Un)Crowded Routes and Destinations., , , и . WOA, том 2706 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 237-251., (2020)An Early Warning System for seismic events based on the Multi-Agent Model., , и . WOA, том 2706 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 184-199., (2020)Incrementally Applicable t-Wise Combinatorial Test Suites for High-Strength Interaction Testing., и . COMPSAC Workshops, стр. 77-82. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)VSC Track Report., , и . WETICE, стр. 262. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)VSC Track Report., и . WETICE, стр. 346. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Emerging Technologies for Next-Generation GRID., , и . WETICE, стр. 241-242. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Enhancing Environmental Surveillance Against Organised Crime with Radial Basis Neural Networks., , и . SSCI, стр. 1476-1483. IEEE, (2015)A Framework for Updating Functionalities Based on the MAPE Loop Mechanism., , , , и . COMPSAC (1), стр. 38-47. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)