Author of the publication

High Reynolds Number Computation for Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Pipe Flow.

, , and . ISHPC, volume 1940 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 514-523. Springer, (2000)

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Large Scale Structures of Turbulent Shear Flow via DNS., , , , and . ISHPC, volume 2858 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 468-475. Springer, (2003)Optimizations of a GPU accelerated heat conduction equation by a programming of CUDA Fortran from an analysis of a PTX file., , and . Comput. Phys. Commun., 183 (11): 2376-2385 (2012)High Performance Computing of Digital-Holographic PTV., , , , and . ACIS-ICIS, page 852-855. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)High Reynolds Number Computation for Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Pipe Flow., , and . ISHPC, volume 1940 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 514-523. Springer, (2000)