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Agent-based Intelligent KPIs Optimization of Public Transit Control System., , и . ICINCO, стр. 224-231. SCITEPRESS, (2021)A Hybrid Approach for Drug Abuse Events Extraction from Twitter., , и . KES, том 96 из Procedia Computer Science, стр. 1032-1040. Elsevier, (2016)Intelligent Regulation System to Optimize the Service Performance of the Public Transport., , и . ICEIS (1), стр. 416-427. SCITEPRESS, (2020)BPMN Decision Footprint: Towards Decision Harmony Along BI Process., , и . ICIST, том 639 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 269-284. (2016)A New Fuzzy Logic Based Model for Location Trust Estimation in Electric Vehicular Networks., , , и . AINA, том 926 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 341-352. Springer, (2019)A Multi-Objective Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Evolutionary Approach for Feature Construction on High-Dimensional Data., , , и . CEC, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2018)A New Big Data Framework for Customer Opinions Polarity Extraction., , и . BDAS, том 613 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 518-531. Springer, (2016)Emotional Dynamics and Coping Mechanisms to Generate Human-Like Agent Behaviors., , и . Applied Artificial Intelligence, 31 (5-6): 472-492 (2017)Class-Dependent Weighted Feature Selection as a Bi-Level Optimization Problem., , , и . ICONIP (5), том 1333 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 269-278. Springer, (2020)Approximating Complex Pareto Fronts With Predefined Normal-Boundary Intersection Directions., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., 24 (5): 809-823 (2020)