Autor der Publikation

Experiments with the Z Interchange Format and SGML.

, und . ZUM, Volume 967 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 224-233. Springer, (1995)

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The promises and perils of mining GitHub., , , , , und . MSR, Seite 92-101. ACM, (2014)Open source software peer review practices: a case study of the apache server., , und . ICSE, Seite 541-550. ACM, (2008)Experiments with the Z Interchange Format and SGML., und . ZUM, Volume 967 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 224-233. Springer, (1995)On the Variability of the BSD and MIT Licenses., , und . OSS, Volume 451 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 146-156. Springer, (2015)Mining CVS repositories, the softChange experience.. MSR, Seite 17-21. (2004)Using CVS Historical Information to Understand How Students Develop Software., , , und . MSR, Seite 32-36. (2004)Improving scans of black and white photographs by recovering the print maker's artistic intent., und . Comput. Graph., 33 (4): 509-520 (2009)New Methods to Project Panoramas for Practical and Aesthetic Purposes., , , und . CAe, Seite 15-22. Eurographics Association, (2007)Modification and Developer Metrics at the Function Level: Metrics for the Study of the Evolution of a Software Project, , , und . 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics, Seite 49--55. (Juni 2012)REM: Visualizing the Ripple Effect on Dependencies Using Metrics of Health., und . VISSOFT, Seite 61-71. IEEE, (2020)