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Other publications of authors with the same name

Keeping up with the jammers: Observe-and-adapt algorithms for studying mutually adaptive opponents, and . Pervasive and Mobile Computing, (2014)Mitigation of Periodic Jamming in a Spread Spectrum System by Adaptive Filter Selection., and . PECCS, page 431-439. SciTePress, (2012)SuperAD: supervised activity discovery., , , and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 1463-1472. ACM, (2015)Convoy: Physical Context Verification for Vehicle Platoon Admission., , , , and . HotMobile, page 73-78. ACM, (2017)Sensetribute: smart home occupant identification via fusion across on-object sensing devices., , , , , and . BuildSys, page 2:1-2:10. ACM, (2017)Using bluetooth low energy spoofing to dispute device details: demo., and . WiSec, page 340-342. ACM, (2019)Stochastic optimization of flow-jamming attacks in multichannel wireless networks., , and . ICC, page 2165-2170. IEEE, (2013)Towards secure multi-path routing for wireless mobile ad-hoc networks: A cross-layer strategy., and . SECON, page 146-148. IEEE, (2011)Pitchln: eavesdropping via intelligible speech reconstruction using non-acoustic sensor fusion., , and . IPSN, page 181-192. ACM, (2017)All your jammers belong to us - Localization of wireless sensors under jamming attack., , , and . ICC, page 949-954. IEEE, (2012)