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Dual Radial Set., , , , and . EuroVA@Eurographics/EuroVis, page 13-17. Eurographics Association, (2020)Interactive Visual Analysis of Ethological Studies: Getting Insight from Large Ensembles of Animals' Paths., , , and . EuroVA@EuroVis, Eurographics Association, (2012)River-water Quality Exploration., , , , and . VAST, page 123-124. IEEE, (2018)preha: Establishing Precision Rehabilitation with Visual Analytics., , , and . VCBM, page 79-89. Eurographics Association, (2019)Visual image query., , , , and . Smart Graphics, page 116-123. ACM, (2002)The Effects of Finger-Walking in Place (FWIP) for Spatial Knowledge Acquisition in Virtual Environments., , , and . Smart Graphics, volume 6133 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 56-67. Springer, (2010)Interactive Exploration of Complex Heterogeneous Data: A Use Case on Understanding City Economics., , , , , and . VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP), page 214-221. SCITEPRESS, (2023)Color LinesView: AnApproach toVisualization of Families of Function Graphs., , , and . IV, page 59-64. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Interactive Pattern Analysis of Multiple T-Maze Data., , , and . EuroVA@EuroVis, page 55-59. Eurographics Association, (2019)A statistics-based dimension reduction of the space of path line attributes for interactive visual flow analysis., , , and . PacificVis, page 113-120. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)