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Distributed Priority Inheritance for Real-Time and Embedded Systems.

, , , and . OPODIS, volume 4305 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 110-125. Springer, (2006)

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Towards Deductive Synthesis of Dataflow Networks, , and . LICS, page 26-37. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)The Reaction Algebra: A Formal Language for Event Correlation., , , and . Pillars of Computer Science, volume 4800 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 596-619. Springer, (2008)An Update on STeP: Deductive-Algorithmic Verification of Reactive Systems., , , , , , , and . Tool Support for System Specification, Development and Verification, page 174-188. Springer, (1998)An interleaving model for real-time., , and . Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, page 717-730. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)Visual Verification of Reactive Systems., , , and . TACAS, volume 1217 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 334-350. Springer, (1997)What's Decidable About Arrays?, , and . VMCAI, volume 3855 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 427-442. Springer, (2006)Linear Ranking with Reachability., , and . CAV, volume 3576 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 491-504. Springer, (2005)Deductive Model Checking., , and . CAV, volume 1102 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 208-219. Springer, (1996)A Hardware Semantics Based on Temporal Intervals., , and . ICALP, volume 154 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 278-291. Springer, (1983)Proving termination with Multiset Orderings., and . ICALP, volume 71 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 188-202. Springer, (1979)