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Kerberos: A real-time fraud detection system for IMS-enabled VoIP networks., , and . J. Netw. Comput. Appl., (2017)GOSPF: An energy efficient implementation of the OSPF routing protocol., and . J. Netw. Comput. Appl., (2016)A Reputation-Based Metric for Secure Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks., and . GLOBECOM, page 1935-1939. IEEE, (2008)UMPIRE: a universal moderator for the participation in IETF remote events.. IEEE Communications Magazine, 53 (4): 234-239 (2015)Energy- and Delay-Efficient Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks., , , and . Mob. Networks Appl., 17 (2): 281-297 (2012)Behavioral network engineering: making intrusion detection become autonomic., , , , and . Ann. des Télécommunications, 61 (9-10): 1136-1148 (2006)A Semantic Approach to Policy-based Management - Linking Policies to Ontologies., , and . WINSYS, page 311-317. INSTICC Press, (2007)Real Time Communications in the Web: Current Achievements and Future Perspectives., , and . IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 1 (2): 20-21 (2017)Discovering reflected cross-site scripting vulnerabilities using a multiobjective reinforcement learning environment., , and . Comput. Secur., (2021)Hacking Goals: A Goal-Centric Attack Classification Framework., , and . ICTSS, volume 12543 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 296-301. Springer, (2020)