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Improved parsing with taxonomy of conjunctions., , и . ChinaSIP, стр. 47-51. IEEE, (2014)Prosodic modeling with rich syntactic context in HMM-based Mandarin speech synthesis., , и . ChinaSIP, стр. 132-136. IEEE, (2013)Monte Carlo WLS Fuser for Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian State Estimation., , , и . ICCAIS, стр. 898-903. IEEE, (2021)Short Communication: Optimal Insurance to Maximize Exponential Utility When Premium Is Computed by a Convex Functional., , , и . SIAM J. Financial Math., 15 (1): 15- (марта 2024)Parsing TCT with a Coarse-to-fine Approach., и . CIPS-SIGHAN, стр. 194-198. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2012)Learning Grammar with Explicit Annotations for Subordinating Conjunctions., , и . ACL (Student Research Workshop), стр. 48-55. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2014)Exploiting limited data for parsing., , и . ICIS, стр. 171-175. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Parsing named entity as syntactic structure., , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 278-282. ISCA, (2014)Tri-feature-based detection of floating small targets in sea clutter., , и . IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 50 (2): 1416-1430 (2014)Research on the Impact of Covid-19 to the Clothing Industry based on Fama-French Model., и . ICEME, стр. 291-294. ACM, (2021)