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Parallelization of groundwater flow simulation on multiple GPUs.

, , and . HP3C, page 50-54. ACM, (2019)

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Parallelization of the streamline simulation based on CUDA., , and . HP3C, page 8-12. ACM, (2019)Parallelization of groundwater flow simulation on multiple GPUs., , and . HP3C, page 50-54. ACM, (2019)Lake-Level Prediction Leveraging Deep Neural Network., , , and . QSHINE, volume 234 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 23-32. Springer, (2017)Performance simulation of using non-binary LDPC codes to against rain fade in Ka-band., and . ICIA, page 2926-2929. IEEE, (2015)