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Evaluation of Leakage Reduction Alternatives for Deep Submicron Dynamic Nonuniform Cache Architecture Caches., , , и . IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 22 (1): 185-190 (2014)NURBS interpolator with confined chord error and tangential and centripetal acceleration control., , , и . ICUMT, стр. 489-496. IEEE, (2010)Algorithms for the Detection of Blob Defects in High Speed Glass Tube Production Lines., , и . IWASI, стр. 97-102. IEEE, (2019)Analysis of static and dynamic energy consumption in NUCA caches: initial results., , , и . MEDEA@PACT, стр. 105-112. ACM, (2007)An Innovative Tool to Easily Get Usable Web Sites., , и . WEBIST, стр. 373-376. INSTICC Press, (2005)An educational environment for designing and performance tuning of embedded systems., и . WCAE@ISCA, стр. 29. ACM, (1998)Editorial message for the special track on embedded systems: applications, solutions, and techniques., , и . SAC, стр. 889-890. ACM, (2006)Multibug: Interative Debugging in Distributed Systems., и . IEEE Micro, 6 (3): 26-33 (1986)Integration of existing IEC 61131-3 systems in an IEC 61499 distributed solution., , и . ETFA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2012)Reducing coherence overhead and boosting performance of high-end SMP multiprocessors running a DSS workload., , и . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 65 (3): 289-306 (2005)