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The Implementation of E-learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Vocational Institution in Vietnam: An Investigation into Students' Perceptions and Readiness.

, and . ICEMT, page 234-239. ACM, (2021)

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Analysis of the Influence of Application Deployment on Energy Consumption., , , and . E2DC, volume 8945 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 87-101. Springer, (2014)Teaching Fundamental Courses in Vietnam: Transitioning from Blended Learning Approach to Online Learning Approach., and . ICDEL, page 30-34. ACM, (2020)An Investigation into Students' Motivation and Learning Effectiveness in Gamified Learning Experiences via Kahoot! at a Higher Education Institution in Vietnam., , and . ICEMT, page 5-10. ACM, (2021)Students' adoption of e-learning in emergency situation: the case of a Vietnamese university during COVID-19., , , , , and . Interact. Technol. Smart Educ., 18 (2): 246-269 (2021)Open Stack and Cloud Stack: Open Source Solutions for Building Public and Private Clouds., , and . SYNASC, page 429-436. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Assessment Methods for Teaching English as a Second Language in Blended Learning Approach., , and . ICEMT, page 183-187. ACM, (2020)Students' Acceptance towards Different Online Learning Methods: A Comparison between Two Vietnamese Educational Institutions., , , and . ICEMT, page 113-119. ACM, (2021)Experiential Learning in Workplace: On-the-Job Training., , and . ICDEL, page 133-137. ACM, (2020)Professional Development with MOOCs-How an Organization Learns in the Age of Digital Transformation., and . ICEMT, page 20-25. ACM, (2020)Student Perceptions towards Positive and Negative Aspects of MOOC-based Blended Learning., and . ICEMT, page 20-26. ACM, (2022)