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Indicative planning in developed economies

, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 14 (4): 531--554 (December 1990)

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Indicative planning in developed economies, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 14 (4): 531--554 (December 1990)Some reflections on self-management, social choice, and reform in eastern europe. Journal of Comparative Economics, 15 (2): 349--366 (June 1991)Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies, , and . The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship, chapter 27, Oxford University Press, (2006)How Transition Paths Differ: Enterprise Performance in Russia and China, and . IZA Discussion Paper, (January 2005)William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 744.Enterprise performance and ownership: The case of Ukraine, and . European Economic Review, 43 (4-6): 1125--1136 (April 1999)The regulation of british and french nationalised industries *, and . European Economic Review, 31 (1-2): 361--367 (00 1987)Retained state shareholding in Chinese PLCs: Does government ownership always reduce corporate value?, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 36 (1): 74--89 (March 2008)The Eastern German Labor Market in Transition: Gross Flow Estimates from Panel Data, , , and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 20 (2): 139--170 (April 1995)Advances in the theory and practice of indicative planning, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 14 (4): 523--530 (December 1990)What happens when unions run firms?: Unions as employee representatives and as employers, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 15 (1): 65--87 (March 1991)