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In praise of inequality: public good provision and income distribution, , и . Economics Letters, 57 (3): 289--296 (19.12.1997)Ramsey tax rules for economies with imperfect competition. Journal of Public Economics, 38 (1): 95--115 (февраля 1989)Public economics. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., (1995)On the optimal marginal rate of income tax. Economics Letters, 66 (1): 113--119 (января 2000)Price-reducing taxation, , и . Economics Letters, 47 (1): 77--81 (января 1995)Vertical product differentiation can imply the Friedman-Savage utility function. Economics Letters, 33 (1): 5--9 (мая 1990)The origin principle, tax harmonization and public goods, , и . Economics Letters, 87 (2): 211--219 (мая 2005)