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Towards an Agent-based Simulation Tool for Manufacturing Systems., , и . ETFA, стр. 797-804. IEEE, (2006)Análisis y Diseño de Sistemas Multiagente Normativos Abiertos., и . Inteligencia Artif., 17 (54): 17-20 (2014)An engineering framework for Service-Oriented Intelligent Manufacturing Systems., , и . Comput. Ind., (2016)Solving Ceramic Tile Factory Production Programming by MAS., , , , и . CCIA, том 131 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 413-420. IOS Press, (2005)Evaluating MAS Engineering Tools., , и . ENASE, стр. 181-184. INSTICC Press, (2008)A multi agent methodology for holonic manufacturing systems.. AAMAS, стр. 1375. ACM, (2005)On the evaluation of MAS development tools., , и . IFIP AI, том 276 из IFIP, стр. 35-44. Springer, (2008)Implementation Challenges for Supporting Coworking Virtual Enterprises., , , и . ICEBE, стр. 9-16. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Goodness and Lacks of MAS Methodologies for Manufacturing Domains., , , , и . CEEMAS, том 3690 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 645-648. Springer, (2005)Designing normative open virtual enterprises., , и . Enterprise IS, 10 (3): 303-324 (2016)