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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

MicroLET: A New SDNoC-Based Communication Protocol for ChipLET-Based Systems., , , , , und . DSD, Seite 61-68. IEEE, (2019)A note on "new quantum key agreement protocols based on Bell states"., und . Quantum Inf. Process., 20 (2): 74 (2021)Anonymous Fair Auction on Blockchain., , , , und . NTMS, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2021)Automating Feature Extraction and Feature Selection in Big Data Security Analytics., und . ICAISC (2), Volume 10842 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 423-432. Springer, (2018)Higher Order Side-Channel Attacks Resilient S-boxes., , , und . IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, (2018)A Note on a Signature Building Block and Relevant Security Reduction in the Green-Hohenberger OT Scheme., , und . Inscrypt, Volume 8567 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 282-288. Springer, (2013)Reducing Data Complexity in Feature Extraction and Feature Selection for Big Data Security Analytics., und . ICDIS, Seite 43-48. IEEE, (2018)A Tripartite Strong Designated Verifier Scheme Based On Threshold RSA Signatures., und . Security and Management, Seite 314-317. CSREA Press, (2009)A SDN solution for system-on-chip world., , , und . SDS, Seite 14-19. IEEE, (2018)A Machine Learning Approach Against a Masked AES., , , und . CARDIS, Volume 8419 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 61-75. Springer, (2013)