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A New Method to Improve the Dependability of Key Nodes in Pervasive Computing Environment, , , и . Pervasive Computing Signal Processing and Applications (PCSPA), 2010 First International Conference on, стр. 479-482. (сентября 2010)Nonlinear system identification based on NARX network., и . ASCC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2015)A predictor-corrector smoothing Newton method for symmetric cone complementarity problems., , и . Appl. Math. Comput., 217 (7): 2989-2999 (2010)An adaptive CBR model of call center systems., , , , и . ICARCV, стр. 1497-1501. IEEE, (2004)Compacting register file via 2-level renaming and bit-partitioning., , , и . Microprocess. Microsystems, 31 (3): 178-187 (2007)Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition of Remainder Coherency Matrices Constrained for Nonnegative Eigenvalues., , , , , и . IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 11 (2): 494-498 (2014)On structure and distances of some classes of repeated-root constacyclic codes over Galois rings., , , и . Finite Fields Their Appl., (2017)Range-Spread Target Detection using Consecutive HRRPs., , и . IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 47 (1): 647-665 (2011)Non-Invertible-Element Constacyclic Codes over Finite PIRs., и . CoRR, (2020)Memorized Variational Continual Learning for Dirichlet Process Mixtures., , и . IEEE Access, (2019)