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Apparatus and Method for Determining a Channel Quality Parameter

, and . European Patents EP2214338A1 and EP2214338B1, Japanese Patents JP2010183574A and JP5054133B2, (January 2009)

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Enhanced Channel Quality Indication for Limited Feedback Multiuser MIMO Systems, , and . Proceedings of the 14th International OFDM-Workshop, InOWo 2009, Hamburg, Germany, page 123-127. (September 2009)Method and Apparatus for Determining a Quantized Channel Vector, and . European Patent EP2219298A1, Chinese Patent CN101826939A, Japanese Patents JP2010213264A and JP4950311B2, US Patents US2010202503A1 and US8385395B2, (February 2009)Apparatus and Method for Determining a Channel Quality Parameter, and . European Patents EP2214338A1 and EP2214338B1, Japanese Patents JP2010183574A and JP5054133B2, (January 2009)