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Adaptive Shrinkage Algorithm for Ringing Suppression with Smoothness Constraint., и . ICIP (3), стр. 364-368. IEEE, (1999)Progressive Image Coding Based on Visually Important Features., и . ICIP (2), стр. 362-366. IEEE, (1999)Fast algorithm for binary field wavelet transform for image processing., , и . ICIP (2), стр. 281-284. IEEE, (2001)A novel DNA sequence compression scheme using both intra and inter sequences correlation., , и . APSIPA, стр. 237-241. IEEE, (2015)Surface Reconstruction with Multiresolution Discontinuity Analysis., и . ECCV (2), том 1407 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 202-214. Springer, (1998)Successive structural analysis using wavelet transform for blocking artifacts suppression., и . Signal Process., 81 (7): 1373-1387 (2001)Phase space reconstruction, geometric filtering based Fisher discriminant analysis and minimum distance to the Riemannian means algorithm for epileptic seizure classification., , , и . Expert Syst. Appl., (июня 2023)Unveiling image source: Instance-level camera device linking via context-aware deep Siamese network., , и . Expert Syst. Appl., (2025)PRNU-based source identification for network video surveillance system., и . ICCE, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2018)Improved Scheme for Object Searching Using Moment Invariants., , и . IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, том 2532 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 783-790. Springer, (2002)