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Daubechies complex wavelet transform based approach for Multiclass object classification., , , and . ICCAIS, page 206-211. IEEE, (2014)Single change detection-based moving object segmentation by using Daubechies complex wavelet transform., , and . IET Image Processing, 8 (6): 334-344 (2014)Object tracking using combination of daubechies complex wavelet transform and Zernike moment., , and . Multimedia Tools Appl., 76 (1): 1247-1290 (2017)Combining Zernike moment and complex wavelet transform for human object classification., , and . IJCVR, 8 (2): 140-167 (2018)Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation., , , and . ICIP, page 4079-4083. IEEE, (2013)Shadow detection and removal for moving objects using Daubechies complex wavelet transform., , and . Multimedia Tools Appl., 77 (2): 2391-2421 (2018)An approach towards wavelet transform based multiclass object classification., , , and . IC3, page 365-368. IEEE, (2013)Dual tree complex wavelet transform based shadow detection and removal from moving objects., , and . Visual Information Processing and Communication, volume 9029 of SPIE Proceedings, page 90290D. SPIE, (2014)Human Object Classification in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain., , , , and . ICCASA, volume 128 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 125-132. Springer, (2013)Performance evaluation on segmentation methods for medical images., , and . ACAI, page 44-49. ACM, (2011)