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The Irradiance Volume, , , и . IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., 18 (2): 32--43 (марта 1998)Enhancing and Optimizing the Render Cache., , и . Rendering Techniques, том 28 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 37-42. Eurographics Association, (2002)Perceptual color spaces for computer graphics., и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 254-261. ACM, (1980)A progressive refinement approach to fast radiosity image generation., , , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 75-84. ACM, (1988)Time-dependent visual adaptation for fast realistic image display., , , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 47-54. ACM, (2000)Toward a psychophysically-based light reflection model for image synthesis., , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 55-64. ACM, (2000)The hemi-cube: a radiosity solution for complex environments., и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 31-40. ACM, (1985)A fast and accurate light reflection model., , , , , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 253-254. ACM, (1992)A Multiscale Model of Adaptation and Spatial Vision for Realistic Image Display., , , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 287-298. ACM, (1998)A comprehensive physical model for light reflection., , , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 175-186. ACM, (1991)