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Foundations for a disequilibrium theory of the business cycle

, , and . Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., (2005)

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Foundations for a disequilibrium theory of the business cycle, , and . Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., (2005)Simulationserfahrungen mit einer 5-sektoralen Basis-Version des dynamischen Input-Output-Modells. Arbeitspapiere / Forschungsgruppe Technologischer Wandel und Beschäftigung, Universität Bremen Forschungsgruppe Technolog. Wandel u. Beschäftigung, Univ., Bremen, (1988)Wage-price dynamics and income distribution in a semi-structural Keynes-Goodwin model, , and . Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 17 (4): 452--465 (December 2006)A Metzlerian model of inventory growth cycles. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 7 (2): 243--262 (June 1996)Dynamic macroeconomics, , and . Studies in dynamical economic science MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. u.a., (1997)Production prices and dynamical processes of the gravitation of market prices. Dynamische Wirtschaftstheorie Lang, Frankfurt am Main u.a., (1987)Structural change in the manufacturing sector and its impact on business-related services: an input-output study for Germany, and . Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 16 (4): 467--488 (December 2005)Cautious trend-seeking and complex asset price dynamics, and . Research in Economics, 52 (1): 61--79 (March 1998)An integration of Schumpeterian and classical theories of growth and distribution. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 11 (3): 317--336 (September 2000)