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A Cell Transterpreter., , и . CPA, том 64 из Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, стр. 215-224. IOS Press, (2006)Flexible, reusable tools for studying novice programmers., и . ICER, стр. 37-42. ACM, (2009)Patterns for programming in parallel, pedagogically., , и . SIGCSE, стр. 231-235. ACM, (2008)A Native Transterpreter for the LEGO Mindstorms RCX., , и . CPA, том 65 из Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, стр. 339-348. IOS Press, (2007)IRB reviews required.. ACM SIGCSE Bull., 48 (3): 9 (2016)Exploring and evolving process-oriented control for real and virtual fire fighting robots., , , , и . GECCO, стр. 105-112. ACM, (2012)Concurrent Event-driven Programming in occam-π for the Arduino., , , и . CPA, том 68 из Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, стр. 177-193. IOS Press, (2011)The Flying Gator: Towards Aerial Robotics in occam-π., , , и . CPA, том 68 из Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, стр. 329-340. IOS Press, (2011)Methods and tools for exploring novice compilation behaviour.. ICER, стр. 73-84. ACM, (2006)Learning through open source participation., , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 83-84. ACM, (2011)