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Lessons Learnt in the Implementation of CMMI Maturity Level 5.

, , and . QUATIC, page 47-56. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)

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Lessons Learnt in the Implementation of CMMI Maturity Level 5., , and . QUATIC, page 47-56. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A living lab for professional skills development in Software Engineering Management at U.Porto., , , and . EDUCON, page 1079-1085. IEEE, (2020)Automated Specification-based Testing of Interactive Components with AsmL., , and . QUATIC, volume 1135 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 119-126., (2004)Towards a Framework to Evaluate and Improve the Quality of Implementation of CMMI® Practices., , , and . PROFES, volume 7343 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 361-365. Springer, (2012)Data-driven Active Rules for the Maintenance of Derived Data and Integrity Constraints in User Interfaces to Databases., and . SBBD, page 11-25. UFSC, (1999)Software Reuse with Use Case Patterns., and . OOIS Workshops, volume 2426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 96-100. Springer, (2002)