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CrowdED: Guideline for Optimal Crowdsourcing Experimental Design., , , и . WWW (Companion Volume), стр. 1109-1116. ACM, (2018)Similarity and Relevance of Court Decisions: A Computational Study on CJEU Cases., , , и . JURIX, том 322 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 63-72. IOS Press, (2019)An exploratory analysis on Agritech policies, innovations and funding for climate change mitigation., , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 2365-2370. IEEE, (2020)Sleeping Beauties in Case Law., , , и . JURIX, том 334 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 231-234. IOS Press, (2020)CrowdED 1.0: Statistical Guideline for Designing Optimal Crowdsourcing Experiments., , и . Hum. Comput., 11 (1): 29-46 (2024)