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Patient-centered tools for medication information search., , , , и . PervasiveHealth, стр. 49-56. ICST, (2014)SemEval-2015 Task 14: Analysis of Clinical Text., , , , , и . SemEval@NAACL-HLT, стр. 303-310. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2015)Sentence Ordering in Multidocument Summarization., , и . HLT, Morgan Kaufmann, (2001)Scaling Up HCI Research: from Clinical Trials to Deployment in the Wild., , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 50:1-50:6. ACM, (2021)Deep Survival Analysis., , , и . MLHC, том 56 из JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, стр. 101-114., (2016)We Make Choices We Think are Going to Save Us: Debate and Stance Identification for Online Breast Cancer CAM Discussions., , , , , и . WWW (Companion Volume), стр. 1073-1081. ACM, (2017)The Survival Filter: Joint Survival Analysis with a Latent Time Series., , , и . UAI, стр. 742-751. AUAI Press, (2015)Inferring Strategies for Sentence Ordering in Multidocument News Summarization, и . CoRR, (2011)Corrigendum to: Clinician involvement in research on machine learning-based predictive clinical decision support for the hospital setting: A scoping review., , , , и . J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 28 (11): 2545 (2021)Longitudinal analysis of social and behavioral determinants of health in the EHR: exploring the impact of patient trajectories and documentation practices., , , , , и . AMIA, AMIA, (2019)