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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Limits on Non-Relativistic Matter During Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis, , und . (2024)Cosmological 3-brane solutions, , , und . Phys. Lett. B, (1999)Single-brane cosmological solutions with a stable compact extra dimension, , , und . Phys. Rev. D, (2000)Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: 2015, , , und . (2015)cite arxiv:1505.01076Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures.The Neutron Mean Life and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, , und . (2023)cite arxiv:2303.04140Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures.The origin of dispersion in DLA metallicities, , , , und . (2015)cite arxiv:1506.06761Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters.String corrections to the gravitational equations of motion and inflation. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 158 (1): 359--365 (15.05.1989)The Impact of New d(p,\gamma)He3 Rates on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, , und . (2020)cite arxiv:2011.13874Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures. Comments welcome.Supersymmetric Dark Matter Candidates, und . (2010)cite arxiv:1001.3651 Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures.TASI Lectures on Dark Matter. (2003)cite arxiv:astro-ph/0301505 Comment: 54 pages, latex, 22 eps figures, Summary of lectures given at the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder - June 2-28, 2002.