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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Recommendation algorithm based on attributed multiplex heterogeneous network., und . PeerJ Comput. Sci., (2021)Self-supervised anomaly detection of medical images based on dual-module discrepancy., und . MMAsia, Seite 18:1-18:7. ACM, (2023)Online Class-Incremental Learning in Image Classification Based on Attention., , , , und . PRCV (7), Volume 14431 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 487-499. Springer, (2023)MMFI-Net: Multilevel Multimodal Feature Injection Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion., , , und . IJCNN, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2024)Feature extraction of protein secondary structure using 2D convolutional neural network., , und . CISP-BMEI, Seite 1771-1775. IEEE, (2016)Automatic Diagnosis of Melanoma Based on EfficientNet and Patch Strategy., , und . Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst., 16 (1): 87 (Dezember 2023)The prediction of protein secondary structure based on auto encoder., , und . ICNC-FSKD, Seite 2065-2069. IEEE, (2017)A Novel Approach of Protein Secondary Structure Prediction by SVM Using PSSM Combined by Sequence Features., , , und . IntelliSys (1), Volume 15 von Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Seite 1074-1084. Springer, (2016)A Multi-Scale Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network Based on Context Perception., , und . CSCWD, Seite 395-400. IEEE, (2024)Exemplar-Free Continual Learning in Vision Transformers via Feature Attention Distillation., , , und . SMC, Seite 666-671. IEEE, (2023)