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Quantum limit of the laser line width in chaotic cavities and statistics of residues of scattering matrix poles

, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 278 (3-4): 469--496 (Apr 15, 2000)

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Quantum limit of the laser line width in chaotic cavities and statistics of residues of scattering matrix poles, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 278 (3-4): 469--496 (Apr 15, 2000)Bifurcation analysis of stationary and oscillating field domains in semiconductor superlattices with doping fluctuations, , and . Phys.~Rev.~B, (1998)Bifurcation analysis of electric field domains in semiconductor superlattices, , , and . Selforganization in Activator-Inhibitor-Systems, Wissenschaft & Technik Verlag, Berlin, (1996)Multistable current-voltage characteristics as fingerprints of growth-related imperfections in semiconductor superlattices, , , and . Superlattices and Microstructures, 23 (6): 1353--1357 (1998)Nonlinear Dynamics of Field Domains in Weakly Disordered Superlattices, , , and . Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Berlin 1996, 3, page 1667--1670. Singapore, World Scientific, (1996)Oscillatory instabilities and field domain formation in imperfect superlattices, , , , and . Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, Chicago 1995, page 177--181. New York, Plenum Press, (1996)Domänendynamik in Halbleiter-Übergittern. Technische Universität Berlin, (1996)