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A law of the iterated logarithm for stochastic approximation procedures in d-dimensional Euclidean space, и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 105 (2): 299--313 (июня 2003)Book reviews. Statistics, 32 (2): 191--201 (1998)Optimal Designs for Additive Linear Models. Statistics, 27 (3): 267--278 (1996)Book review. Statistics, 32 (4): 395--396 (1999)Book review, и . Statistics, 32 (3): 293--295 (1999)Exact bounds for the rate of convergence in general stochastic approximation procedures, и . Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 16 (3): 501--515 (1998)On adaptive chemical balance weighing designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, (1987)Optimal designs for hierarchical interaction structures. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 70 (1): 181--190 (01.07.1998)Optimal designs for a one-way layout with covariates. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 85 (1-2): 49--59 (01.04.2000)Advances in Econometrics, , и . Volume 16, глава Advances in optimum experimental design for conjoint analysis and discrete choice models, стр. 93--117. JAI, (2002)