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The N* Nakagami fading channel model., , и . ISWCS, стр. 185-189. IEEE, (2005)On the Distribution of the Sum of Generalized Gamma Variates and Applications to Satellite Digital Communications., , , и . ISWCS, стр. 785-789. IEEE, (2005)A Novel Framework for 2.5-D Building Contouring From Large-Scale Residential Scenes., , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 57 (6): 4121-4145 (2019)Dual diversity over correlated Ricean fading channels., , и . J. Commun. Networks, 9 (1): 67-74 (2007)The Adaptive PSAM Design in Cross-Layer., , и . Wirel. Pers. Commun., 47 (3): 337-353 (2008)Time Series Analysis for Bitcoin Transactions: The Case of Pirate@40's HYIP Scheme., , и . ICDM Workshops, стр. 151-155. IEEE, (2018)Time-Sensitive Target Recognition of Few-Shot Infrared Image with Maml Based on Lightweight Hrnet., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 8139-8142. IEEE, (2024)Performance Analysis and Improvement Methods for Channel Resource Management Strategies of LEO-MSS With Multiparty Traffic., , и . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 57 (6): 3832-3842 (2008)Performance analysis of a class of GSC receivers over nonidentical Weibull fading channels., , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 54 (6): 1963-1970 (2005)Performance Analysis of L-Branch Scan-and-Wait Combining (SWC) Over Arbitrarily Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Channels., , и . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 66 (3): 2868-2874 (2017)