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Dynamical patterns of epidemic outbreaks in complex heterogeneous networks, , , and . Journal of Theoretical Biology, (July 2005)Modeling the evolution of weighted networks, , and . Physical Review E, 70 (6): 066149 (December 2004)Spatial networks. Physics Reports, 499 (1-3): 1--101 (2011)Optimal traffic networks, and . Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2006 (07): L07002 (2006)Group betweenness and co-betweenness: Inter-related notions of coalition centrality, , and . Social Networks, 31 (3): 190 - 203 (2009)Resolution limit in community detection, and . Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 104 (1): 36-41 (2007)Characterization and modeling of weighted networks, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 346 (1–2): 34--43 (February 2005)Structure of urban movements: polycentric activity and entangled hierarchical flows, , , and . PloS one, 6 (1): e15923 (2011)A stochastic model of randomly accelerated walkers for human mobility, , , and . Nature communications, (2016)Optimal Traffic Networks, and . CoRR, (2006)