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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Data driven, robust output regulation via external models., , und . MED, Seite 1263-1268. IEEE, (2017)A data-driven based Approach for Soil Moisture Estimation with Intermittent Measurements., und . CoDIT, Seite 774-779. IEEE, (2023)Robust Hybrid Output Regulation for Linear Systems with Periodic Jumps: the non-semiclassical case., , und . CoRR, (2019)A Swarm-Based Distributed Algorithm for Target Encirclement with Application to Monitoring Tasks in Precision Agriculture Scenarios., , und . MED, Seite 275-280. IEEE, (2023)Consensus of overflowing clocks via repulsive Laplacian laws., , und . ECC, Seite 2127-2132. IEEE, (2018)Data-driven deadbeat control with application to output regulation., , und . CDC, Seite 6271-6276. IEEE, (2017)Robust Hybrid Output Regulation for Linear Systems With Periodic Jumps: The Non-Semiclassical Case., , und . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., 4 (1): 25-30 (2020)Approximate Markovian Models of Cellular Mobile Telephone Networks with Customer Retrials., , , , und . ICC (1), Seite 356-361. IEEE, (2000)Efficient estimation of call blocking probabilities in cellular mobile telephony networks with customer retrials., , , , und . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 19 (2): 332-346 (2001)